The work you were meant to do… (Or perhaps debunking that statement entirely)

The work you were meant to do… (Or perhaps debunking that statement entirely)

Have you ever felt like you do not know your purpose professionally? Perhaps you are a professional with a broad skill set that could work within a multitude of jobs or industries. Having several areas where your skills are valued is a wonderful thing, however, it can cause a sense of overwhelm or stress when it comes to finding “what you were meant to do.”  

Great news, there is no need to worry, your career is not linear. A career path is often the opposite, and most people don’t know what they like until they try it. In fact, no one really knows this answer until they have experienced it themselves. 

When it comes to finding your purpose within a career, there is no right or wrong path as it will likely change course. You will change, your skills will change and what you want to do for a living will most likely change. For that reason, being open to exploring new opportunities may be the best tip to achieving what you “were meant to do.”  

According to a recent survey done by The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 53% of college-degreed professionals use half or less of their education, and 15% use none of their education in their current job. You may be gawking at these statistics thinking, “How is this possible?” The answer is experience. Of course, education and a sharp skill set are needed to be a top-notch employee, yet work experience is always at the top of a job description. Knowing this should create an eagerness to be open to new opportunities and explore different areas. 

Tips to find “the work you were meant to do.” 

  • Don’t be hesitant or reluctant to take on new opportunities. Rather, be curious. 
  • Explore the unknown, you may find that it is much better suited to you.  
  • If you are unsure, ask more questions.  
  • Don’t turn down an opportunity because it doesn’t fit in the box you may have created around your career. Expand the box, destroy the box!
  • Act as if your skill sets are unlimited and see what happens.  

Around 70% of all working-age people are actively looking for a job change.  

Don’t limit yourself and make assumptions about opportunities that could potentially have a significant impact on your life. Explore all the opportunities presented to you, accepting an interview could be the most valuable 60 mins of your life.  

The world is your oyster, go out and experience all it has to offer. 

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